Removing an end user's devices

Removing a device does not remove data. Instead, it forces users to re-enter their online banking credentials rather than entering the four-digit PIN when they next want to access your mobile app.

For Banno Online users, two-factor authentication is required next time they attempt to log on.
  1. Select Users, and then search for the user you want to remove a device for.
    Tip: You can search by name, email, or user name. For those institutions that use NetTeller, you can also search by NetTeller ID.
  2. Select the appropriate user, and then select Security.
  3. Go to the Devices section within Security, and then select the appropriate option.
    • Select Remove all devices to remove all the current user's devices.
    • Select Remove next to a specific device to remove only that device.

    Remove all devices option in the Security section.