Have page content and formatting
you'd like to duplicate? Clone a page to simplify the page and content-creation process. Then
update content as needed on the newly created page.
In the main
Banno Content navigation, select Pages.
Find the page you'd like to clone, and then click the page title.
The selected page loads in edit mode.
In the
Page actions menu, select Clone
The page properties drawer opens on the right side of the
Set page properties.
Update the page Title, Visibility,
and Category.
Determine if the page should be hidden from search.
Enter SEO title, Description, and
Add Header & footer code.
Tip: The page template is predetermined by the page being duplicated. To
create a page with a different template, add a new page by following the instructions in
Adding a page.
Note: A caution symbol (

) appears by the
Create option if the URL for the page already exists. In this
case, update the
Page title and/or
Category fields to update the URL.
Select Create to create the cloned page with updated properties.
The page opens in edit mode.
Follow the steps under
Editing page content to edit the new page.