Editing or deleting an ad

In Banno Marketing, you can edit or delete an ad.

  1. Select Campaigns in the Marketing navigation.
  2. Select Your website or Digital banking.
  3. Select the campaign that contains the relevant ad by selecting the campaign title.
    Tip: Use the Search box to find a campaign using text from the campaign's name, keywords, or description.
  4. Within the campaign, scroll down to view its list of ads and select an ad name.
    Ad details appear.
  5. Select Ellipses button.
  6. Choose a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Editing ad details
    1. Select Edit ad.
    2. Changed the desired fields.
    3. Select Save.
    Editing ad content in a website ad
    1. Select Edit content.
    2. Use the functions within the editor to adjust ad content, such as image, text, or link, as needed.
    3. Select either Save & Preview or Save.
      1. If selecting Save & Preview, enter the URL of the webpage that includes a dynamic space for ads that matches the size of ad you have created.
        1. Select Go.

          A preview of the ad within the webpage, with styling applied, appears.

        2. When done previewing, select Finished.

      Save: This option saves the ad content.

    Deleting an ad
    1. Select Delete.
    2. Confirm your decision by selecting Delete again.