
Selecting or dragging the Currency option onto your form in the form builder places an input area where users can enter currency amounts.

The field label should typically be the information you want to gather or the question you're wanting to have answered.
Provides a more detailed explanation of the field, including additional context for end users or instructions about how to complete the field.
Indicate if the field will be required for users to submit the form. Selecting the box indicates required, and clearing the box indicates not required.
Specify a minimum currency amount for the field.
Specify a maximum currency amount for the field.


The Currency field has built-in validation to help prevent invalid responses. When an end user submits information into a Currency field, the form performs the following checks and actions automatically before the form is submitted.

Answer validation and automatic actions for the Currency field
Situation Automatic form responses
The end user enters any character other than a number or a decimal point. One of the following error messages appear:
  • Value must be less than [maximum amount set in the form builder].
  • Value must be greater than [minimum amount set in the form builder].
The end user submits a response containing more than two decimal places. The form builder cuts off the response at the second decimal place. For example, a response of 2.122 would automatically be abbreviated to 2.12.
The end user enters a number outside of the minimum and maximum range specified for the field in the form builder. One of the following error messages appear:
  • Value must be less than [maximum amount set in the form builder].
  • Value must be greater than [minimum amount set in the form builder].