Creating disclaimers

Use this task to add a disclaimer to your list of available options.

  1. Select Create a disclaimer.
  2. Enter a title for the disclaimer.
    This title is how your disclaimer is listed when you are selecting a disclaimer to place while adding links through the editor.
  3. Enter a header for the disclaimer, if applicable.
    A header is added to the pop-up modal where the disclaimer is shown when a user selects a link that has the disclaimer applied.
  4. Enter a message to appear to users when a link with the disclaimer has been selected.
  5. Select Save to finish the creation process.
    The new disclaimer is saved and added to your list of available disclaimers.
    Tip: Upon initial site setup, we typically recommend including a disclaimer for links to email addresses and external URLs to indicate to users that they are leaving the site. In addition to these standard disclaimers, you are free to create and manage any other disclaimers that are necessary to meet your specific needs.