Depositing a check

In Banno Mobile, end users can deposit a check.

  1. Select Deposit from the menu.
  2. Select Deposit a Check and enter the amount.
    Depending on your financial institution's RDC provider, a Deposit limits option may appear underneath the amount. Selecting Deposit limits shows the end user how many deposits they have made compared to their limit, in addition to the amount of funds deposited compared to their limit. If deposit limit information is not available, the option does not appear.
  3. Select Continue.
  4. Select the account that you would like to deposit funds to.
    The Check Front capture screen appears.
  5. Center the check front in the capture screen, select the screen to capture, and hold your device steady while the auto focus completes.
    After a short wait time, a preview screen appears.
  6. Select Continue.
    Select Retake to replace your capture with a new one.
  7. Use the same method to capture the check's other side, and then select Continue.
    The deposit information appears.
  8. Select Submit.