Editing transfers

After an end user creates a scheduled transfer, they can still modify or delete it if it was created from Banno Online or, usually, from Banno Mobile.

Note the following restrictions:

  • Only transfers created in Banno Online or, usually, Banno Mobile can be edited using this method.
  • Scheduled transfer features are only available for financial institutions using a Jack Henry core.
  1. Choose a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Step
    Use the Transfers section of the dashboard to access transfers
    1. Find the Transfers section of the dashboard.
    2. Find the Scheduled transfers section under the Transfers option.
    Use the Banno Online main menu to access transfers
    1. Select Transfers from the Banno Online main menu.
    2. Find the scheduled transfers on the Transfers landing page.
    Transfers section of the Dashboard
    The Scheduled activities heading and its associated transfers, shown in the Transfers section of the Dashboard.

  2. Select the relevant scheduled transfer.
  3. Choose a situation and follow the corresponding steps.
    Situation Steps
    Edit transfer
    1. Change the relevant fields.
    2. Select Save.
    Delete transfer
    1. Select Trash can icon.
    2. Select Delete.