Credit card control features

The external application and the single sign-on (SSO) functionality allows for direct end-user access to credit card controls.

External application

If your financial institution uses a compatible vendor, Banno can use an external application to take end users from your online banking to their credit card controls.

Your institution can customize the link text that appears in the quick-action section of the Dashboard screen. The link takes end users to your credit card management tool in the same tab currently open in their browser.

Note: If your institution's credit card management tool uses this type of external application to take end users to your card management tool, the end user needs to enter their credentials for that tool when they arrive at the link destination.

Single sign-On

If your financial institution uses a compatible vendor, Banno can use SSO to take end users from Banno Online to their credit card controls without using an additional logon.

If your institution uses a compatible vendor, a Card features option is available in the Accounts landing page of Banno Online. The Card features label is configurable by your institution, so depending on your implementation it can present a different label.

Note: Selecting this option takes the end user to the credit card features without needing to complete an additional logon process.
Card features (Banno Online in a mobile browser)
Card features option on the Accounts landing page of Banno Online in a mobile browser