Setting a proper approval hierarchy is an important part of content management.
Managing the approval process in Banno Settings is easy.
Note: If the group can publish
pages, no approval settings are needed.
Above your profile image in the lower left corner, select .
Group list in the Users & Groups navigation.
Create a group, or select one of the existing groups to edit the group's
From the Reports to drop-down menu, select which other group
you'd like this group to report to.
This approving group must be able to publish pages.
Select the correct option from the Needs approval from drop-down
- Select One Person if only one member from the
approving group must review and approve changes before publishing.
Note: Everyone in the approving
group receives an email notification, but only one person needs to approve for changes
to be published.
- Select Everyone if every member of the
approving group must approve the changes before publishing.
Note: Everyone in the approving
group receives an email notification, and all of them must select Approve
changes for changes to be published.
Select Save.