Completing ESI SSO Enrollment

Use these steps to complete standard and enhanced ESI enrollment in Banno.

  1. From the main menu, select Accounts > [Account name] > Documents.
  2. Select the Enrollment tab.
  3. Choose a situation.
    • If using enhanced enrollment, continue to step 7.
    • If using standard enrollment, select Details, and then clear the check boxes next to the corresponding documents if you do not want to receive all notices or statements electronically.
      Note: By default, all document types are selected for all accounts.
  4. Verify your email address in the field that states. Please review the following email address. If not correct, please update it in the space shown.
    Note: If you have an email address within NetTeller, it appears in this field. When the email address is updated here, the change carries through to the email address listed on the NetTeller ID in the core.
  5. Enter the security phrase in the field that states Please enter a security phrase to be displayed on all valid emails sent from this site.
    Note: The phrase appears on ESI enrollment and notification emails from your financial institution, along with the PDF logon shell, if applicable. The security phrase is used to ensure content containing this information is legitimately from the bank.
  6. Enter the enrollment passcode in the field that states Please enter the enrollment passcode in the field immediately below.
  7. Select Click here to view a passcode required to complete the enrollment process, and then enter the PDF passcode.
    This passcode verifies that you can view ESI documents in a PDF format using Adobe® 6.0 or higher.
  8. Scroll through the disclosure text, select the I agree to the listed terms check box, and then select Enroll now to accept the terms and conditions.
    An enrollment confirmation appears.
  9. Select OK.
A confirmation email generates.