2-step verification

If your institution uses 2-step verification, you can manage the verification methods used on the 2-step verification screen.

To turn verification methods on or off for all end users at your institution, visit your institution's Settings menu in Banno People, and then select 2-step verification. Select the toggles to turn the options on or off. Options include:

  • Authy
  • Phone/text message
  • Email
  • Authenticator app
  • Symantec hardware/software tokens
    Note: Your institution needs a Secure Tokens contract with Jack Henry to use Symantec™ VIP tokens as a 2-step verification method.
  • FIDO roaming tokens

Email verification

Additionally, you can use the Enrollment verification toggle to decide whether to require a one-time password sent through email for end users who are new to 2-step verification or who have removed their 2-step verification methods. This feature helps limit unauthorized access, and once an end user is enrolled in 2-step verification the step is no longer required.

Short code

Short codes improve 2-step verification code delivery and provide an option that carrier rate limits do not affect.

Note: Short codes do not work with Authy or in-app alerts.

Institutions can also activate the use of a short code. Activating this feature means that when a user gets a 2-step verification code via text message it is delivered from a five-digit short code.

Once the short code feature is activated, you cannot turn it off again.