Creating a tracking code

In Banno Marketing, you can create a tracking code for your ads.

  1. Select Settings.
    The Settings screen appears, with a wizard available to help create a tracking code.
  2. Configure keyword information, and then select Next.
  3. Choose whether you want Marketing to serve ads on your webpage and, if so, complete the corresponding fields.
  4. Select Next.
  5. Choose whether you want to associate online banking usernames with tracking data and, if so, complete the corresponding fields.
  6. Select Next.
    The tracking code snippet appears.
  7. Copy and paste your tracking code directly into the code of your financial institution's webpages.
    Tip: Place the tracking code directly before the closing body tag: </body>.
    Make sure to copy your tracking code to a safe location so you do not lose it before transferring it to your webpage's source code. Marketing generates, but does not save, your tracking code.