Updating header & footer code

Banno Content offers you the flexibility to add HTML code to your website globally across all webpages through the Header and Footer sections of the site.

  1. In the Content > Settings menu, select General.
    This step opens fields for you to add/edit the header and/or the footer code sitewide.
    • Use the Header code field to add HTML right before the closing </head> tag across all pages of the site.
    • Use the Footer code field to add HTML to be inserted right before the closing </body> tag across all pages of the site.
  2. When updates have been made, select Save to apply the changes to the site.
    A confirmation message appears in the bottom left corner when the save is complete.
    Tip: Discard changes is offered as an option when making edits. Selecting this option removes any current updates and reverts to the last saved version of the header and footer code.
To set header and footer code per page within your website, rather than globally, follow the Adding and removing pages instructions for adding new pages or the Editing page properties for updating current pages. Both of these instructions are found under the Pages section in the user guide.