
To see an end user's accounts, select Accounts for the user.

On the Accounts screen, you can see a list of accounts and select an account to see its account number, type, and recent transactions.

If your institution has the feature enabled, you can see an additional Details panel with more comprehensive information about the account, including its account and routing numbers.

Note: The accounts appear in Banno People in the same order in which they appear for end users. You can change the order for the end user by selecting Reorder and then dragging and dropping.

The accounts screen in Banno People showing the view for a sample institution

Select Settings on the Accounts screen to toggle the Show in app, Show running balance, and Show balance and activity options.

Account settings screen showing toggles

Transfer-only accounts

The Transfer-only accounts section on an end user's Accounts screen shows the accounts used in the app for transfers only. If a micro-deposit for verification is still pending for the account, the account shows a Micro-deposits pending message.