Manage asset properties

You are able to view and adjust various details and properties for each file that has been loaded.

To view properties, select the file name of an asset. The asset Details screen shows details for that particular file, including information about who created the file and when, who modified the file and when, and file size.

Note: After making any updates to this screen, be sure to select Save for the changes to take effect.


Members only users can adjust visibility by opening the Visibility drop-down menu and selecting the members group that should have access to the asset.


In the Description field, enter descriptive text for the image. Completing this field sets the alt attribute everywhere the image is placed throughout the site.


For best results and compliance with ADA best practices, follow these guidelines:

  • All assets should include a description. The Description field allows any text to be entered, but it is important to describe what you see in the image or a brief description of what the asset itself is (for example, an acceptable description might be man on park bench holding mobile phone).
  • The text in the Description field cannot duplicate the file name. For example, if a file name is checkmark.jpg, checkmark would not be an acceptable entry for the Description field.
  • The Description text cannot include a color.
  • The Description cannot exceed 100 characters.

Relative URL

The Relative URL for the asset can be found on the asset Details screen and used elsewhere if linking directly to the file.

File downloading

Each file can be downloaded by clicking Download below the file thumbnail. The file then downloads and is saved on your device.

New version upload

For non-image files, you can upload a new version of the file, replacing the file that exists with an updated one. To do so:

  1. Select Upload a new version.
  2. Select the file for uploading from the list of your device's files that appears.
  3. Select Open to replace the old file with the new file.
    Note: Completing this action updates the file anywhere it is linked to throughout the site.