Review and initiate ACH batches

Initiated batches have a status of Initiated. Selecting these batches shows the details of the initiated batch. These batches can also be uninitiated at any time before the cutoff time on the selected effective date, reverting the batch to a Ready status.

The "" Bulk actions button allows end users to select 10 or more batches at a time to initiate. Dates can be set individually or for all selected batches, while offset accounts must be selected for each batch. End users can bulk initiate tax payments, prenotes, and standard batches in Ready or Pending approval status.

Note: The Initiate button is unavailable if any selected batches cannot be initiated. This occurrence can be due to an insufficient balance or a batch that has already been initiated.

Error Messages

Error messages can sometimes appear when initiating a batch. To ensure proper initiation, review the limits set on your transactions:

  • ACH Limit Exceeded - The batch exceeds the cash user limit and the NetTeller ID limit.
  • ACH Daily Credit Exposure Limit Exceeded - The batch exceeds the ACH company limit.

User Unable to Initiate ACH File

The Banno Business platform has checks and balances built in to ensure user compliance with your financial institution's (FI) expectations and Nacha® regulations.

If an organization user has difficulties initiating their file, consider these issues:

  • Company Header Validation Against the Core - The user's Nacha® file header does not match the payment information about the ACH entity that your financial institution has on file. Either have the FI change the file on the core or have the user update the file themselves to resolve the issue. The Company Name and Company ID used to verify the information can be found by going to ACPAR > ACH General Parameters.
  • Transaction Information does not meet Requirements - The user tries to initiate a batch that violates the transaction settings set by your FI. Resolve this issue by viewing the settings under ACPAR > ACH Company Maintenance.
    • Create Offset - If the FI uses this setting, the ACH file can only include all credits or all debits and cannot include the offsetting transaction. The file must be unbalanced.
    • Balanced - If the FI uses this setting, the ACH file must contain equal credit and debit amounts to proceed.