Editing a form

In Banno Content, you can edit a form.

  1. Select Form builder in the Banno Content navigation.
  2. Select the title of an existing form to open it in the form builder.
  3. Add, delete, or reorder fields on the form.
    • Add a field: Select a field type under the Add a field section. Descriptions of each field type can be found in our guide to Form builder fields.
      Note: You can drag and drop the field onto the desired location.
    • Delete a field: Select Delete on the right side of the form details.
    • Reorder fields: ClickIcon in the shape of two vertical rows made of three dots each to the left of the field name. While clicking, drag the field name where you'd like it located in the list and release to place it.
  4. Edit field details to capture all your necessary information.
    1. Select Edit on the right side of the field details to open options for the field.
      Follow our guide to Form builder fields to view additional details and specifics for each field type.
    2. Complete basic items for each field type.
      The field label should typically be the information you want to gather or the question you're wanting to have answered.
      Provides a more detailed explanation of the field, including additional context for end users or instructions about how to complete the field.
      Indicate if the field will be required for users to submit the form. Selecting the box indicates required, and clearing the box indicates not required.
      Describes primary applicant
      Select this box if these field options describe the person filling out the form.
    3. When done editing, select Done to collapse the field options.