Creating custom tags

Custom tags can be created by visiting Settings > Tags > Custom tags.

Tags are composed of two elements: a name and a color.
Note: These instructions only apply to custom tags. Changing any aspect of a form tag requires the use of Banno Content to modify the form.
  1. Select Settings in the Banno Support navigation, and then select Tags.
  2. In the Custom tags section, select Create a tag.
    A new text field appears with a gray tag color.
  3. Customize the tag details.
    1. Type the tag name you want in the text field.
    2. Select the tag image () to view a palette of colors, and then select the desired color for the tag.

      Color palette menu under the tag image

The Tags screen saves as you work. When changes are applied, you briefly see an update message in the lower left-hand corner.
Tag updated.