
Selecting or dragging the Name field into your form in the form builder places an input area where end users can insert name information.

Provides a more detailed explanation of the field, including additional context for end users or instructions about how to complete the field. The Description field appears before the individual Name fields on the form.
Determine if the field should be required for end users to submit the form. Select the box to require all fields of this type. Leave the box clear if fields of this type should not be required.
Select which name fields will appear on the form by turning the toggle next to the field name on (green) or off (gray). If applicable, update the individual field labels.
  • Title
  • First name
  • Middle name
  • Last name
  • Suffix (such as Jr. or II)
Describes primary applicant
Select this box if these field options describe the person filling out the form.