Adding checks by uploading a .csv file

Using Banno Online Positive pay, you can upload a .csv file to add issued check details.

Each .csv file you upload is associated with one account. If you want to pay out from multiple accounts, you must upload multiple .csv files.
  1. Navigate to Positive pay.
  2. Select "" Add checks.
  3. Select View CSV formatting guide for help formatting and creating your .csv file.
    The .csv file you upload must follow the CSV formatting guide specifications. Refer to .csv file formatting documentation for additional help.
    Note: Do not include column titles in your .csv file. The file must include only check details as indicated in the CSV formatting guide.
  4. Select Select in the Choose associated account section.
  5. Select the associated payout account for the .csv file on the Select account screen.
    You can search for accounts by account name, the last four digits of the account, or the available funds in the account. If your organization has more than one type of account, you can filter by account type. If your organization has only one type of account, the filter button does not appear.

    After you select an account, Banno determines if the account is eligible for positive pay. If the selected account is eligible for positive pay, you are redirected to the Add checks screen, and the account you selected is associated with the checks in the .csv file you are uploading.

    If the account is not eligible, a message notifies you that the account is not enrolled in positive pay, and you must select a different account.

    Note: For an account to be eligible for positive pay, the bank must set up the account and global parameters in core.
  6. Drag and drop your .csv file, or select browse to upload your .csv file.
  7. Select Review checks.
  8. Validate that the information in the File upload summary section is correct, and then select Approve.
    If the upload is successful, the screen displays a success message, and the check items are sent to the core. On this screen, the .csv file displays an Uploaded & approved status, which appears as Successful on the Positive pay dashboard.

    When you select Approve, Banno may appear to time out. Instead of a success message, an alert notifies you that the approval is still in progress. Do not do any of the following:

    • Reupload the .csv file
    • Refresh the page
    • Reapprove the checks

    The submission is still processing. You can navigate to another section of Banno, including uploading new .csv files and manually adding other checks from the Positive pay dashboard.

  9. Select Done to return to the Positive pay dashboard, or select Upload another to upload a .csv file or manually enter check details.
Once a file is uploaded and approved, the bank can view the issued check on core. The bank cannot see the checks in a specific uploaded file because one core file contains all issued items.