
Selecting or dragging the Text option onto your form in the form builder places an input area where users can enter a single line of text.

The field label should typically be the information you want to gather or the question you're wanting to have answered.
Provides a more detailed explanation of the field, including additional context for end users or instructions about how to complete the field.
Indicate if the field will be required for users to submit the form. Selecting the box indicates required, and clearing the box indicates not required.
Placeholder Text
Includes a hint that describes the expected value of the input to help guide end users. The placeholder appears in the input field initially and disappears when the end user begins typing in the field.
Minimum character length
Specify the minimum number of characters required to submit the field.
Maximum character length
Specify the maximum number of characters allowed to be submitted for this field.


The Text field has built-in validation to help prevent invalid responses. If the end user's response does not meet the criteria for the minimum characters required, they see the following error message: Value must contain [minimum set in the form builder] characters. The end user cannot violate the maximum character length, because the form automatically restricts the end user's response to the maximum characters allowed.