New feature • Banno People™
User override for initial 2-step verification
Earlier this month, we released an enhancement for the Initial 2-step verification enrollment setting found in Banno People. Historically, this setting has been editable only at the institution level, and the setting has applied to all users. When enabled, all users who are enrolling for 2FA initially (or re-enrolling for 2FA because their established 2FA methods were removed for any reason) receive an email with an authentication code that they then enter in Banno.
Based on feedback that some users get stuck at this step for various reasons and are unable to log in, we have added a user-level override to this functionality. Financial institution employees with the Manage security settings permission can now disable this feature for specific users. The override can also be removed after the fact, returning the user to the institution-level default setting.
No support case is required to access this functionality. If your institution has the Initial 2-step verification enrollment setting enabled, then authorized employees should now see the new override toggle on the Security tab of a user profile in Banno People.