Coming soon • Mobile & Online
Change internal loan transfer type: CU
Getting blocked from transferring funds to an internal loan can leave your members frustrated, so we're working to knock down that barrier in both Mobile and Online.
Banno currently uses Share Transfer records in Episys to push funds to an internal loan. Delinquent loans, however, have historically been ineligible for internal transfers in Banno due to limitations with Share Transfer records—which Episys reserves for additional payments only.
To adopt industry best practices and ensure that members can successfully complete internal loan transfers, we will no longer rely on Share Transfer records for such transfers. Instead, we're implementing a new transfer type, called (9) Off Cycle
, which utilizes Loan Transfer records to pull funds from a share.
We're wrapping up the final operational components now and will provide more details on next steps during May.
To give your internal team extra time to ensure that SymXchange parameters are enabled correctly, we recommend adding a SymXchange blueprint review item to your spring cleaning list, particularly regarding the searchLoanTransferPagedSelectFields
, createLoanTransfer
, and updateLoanTransferByID