Ensenta RDC, custom dashboard cards and ordering, & more
New feature • Apps
Ensenta RDC
Making mobile deposits simple, the Ensenta RDC integration is now available for banks and credit unions. Using Mitek MiSnap™️, your customers can auto-capture checks to deliver fast and accurate mobile deposits. Risk profiles increase back office efficiency, reduce risk, and get money into your customers' accounts faster. Setup real-time alerts so your customers know when and where deposits occur the moment they happen.
Single-check deposits are available now on Android, iOS, and mobile browsers. Multi-check and desktop browser support will be available next month! If you're interested in offering Ensenta to your customers, contact your sales executive today.
Heads up • Reports
Time is now on your side in Banno Reports℠
We made a small tweak to Banno Reports so that all times will be reported based on the time zone setting for your financial institution. You'll no longer have to convert from UTC as we will now do this on the backend before we generate each report.
Heads up • Apps
Dark mode for all 😎
While our apps support dark mode, in the past we've been unable to roll out updated themes for financial institutions to make dark mode available for most users. Our latest Mobile release (2.22) now contains all of the required theme information for almost every financial institution to offer dark mode to their users.
Heads up • People
Change to Messages in Banno People℠
We wanted to notify you that we have temporarily removed the ability to send a push notification when creating financial institution messages from Banno People. You can still create and send messages, however your users will no longer receive push notifications for those messages. Please know we fully intend to bring back this functionality after making a few key improvements, so keep an eye out for more information in future statements.
Release notes are posted in the ForClients portal in advance of mobile releases and contain a rollup of all client-side changes made to Banno within the period.
Coming soon • Apps & People
Remove aggregated accounts
In the coming weeks, your users will finally be able to remove aggregated accounts! We know — this one has been a long time coming. This means when users no longer want to view accounts from another financial institution inside of Banno Online, they can simply remove the financial institution and all associated accounts. Note that this is coming first to Banno Online and People, with Mobile support a little further down the road.
Once complete, this functionality will be available to everyone with no configuration needed.
New feature • Apps
Dashboard card Plugin Framework
It’s now possible to create custom dashboard cards utilizing our Plugin Framework. This means your financial institution can develop web content to display directly in the dashboard and allows you to create features specific to your institution. You can also partner directly with third party vendors to develop new solutions quickly. To get started, view the link below and reach out to our developer relations team.
Users currently have to hunt through a number of menus to add a new external account. To help make this easier on your customers, we are adding a link on the transfers screen to take the user directly to where they can add an external account. We want to ensure users can take the actions they need when they need them. This link will appear to everyone with access to external transfers when complete.
In beta • Apps
ESI SSO improvements
Many of you will be happy to hear we have made some impactful improvements to our ESI SSO. First, when navigating to ESI from an account, users will see documents for that account, not a default account. Second, you will have the ability to configure which account types should display the ESI link. This allows the link to be hidden on accounts that will never contain e-documents. However, these enhancements will require some configuration:
In order to pass the account information through, we made a change which requires users to be on Banno Mobile version 2.22 or later.
When we initially roll this out, the ESI link will continue to appear on all accounts as it does today, but this will now be configurable by account type. We will provide additional details on how to do so when this is made available.
These enhancements are currently in beta. We aren’t in need of additional beta testers at this time, but rest assured this will be available for all financial institutions soon.
New feature • People & Apps
Manage dashboard card order
You can now customize the view of the default dashboard for your users. This allows you to emphasize features important to them.
Please remember this default order will only impact users who haven’t customized their dashboard. Admin users who have the “Manage Dashboard” permission will see the new “Dashboard Configuration” option in Settings, which is where they can reorder and add new cards.
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