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January 2025

ISO 20022 conversion resources • Banno Business™ updates • Default 2FA Methods release • New Treasury Management features • Plus more

Off and running!

As you can tell from this absolutely packed edition of the statement, if January is any indication of what's in store this year, then we all better strap in! 2025 might just be one for the ages. We're ready. How about you? Alright then, let's goooo!

You'll want to give this statement a close read, folks. There are a lot of great changes headed your way.

Reminder • Banno Business™ • Banno Online™ & Mobile™

ISO 20022 conversion

More updates on ISO 20022 for you! We are continuing to build out the new functionality to meet Federal standards, so that you’re ready to use wires come March 10, 2025.

On February 6, we will be adding a banner (as seen above) at the top of the Wire templates screen that will provide an easy-access method to save template information. Note that since first announcing the banner during the January Digital Banking Meetup, we have heard your feedback and have, therefore, updated the banner to be informative only.

Important: We strongly recommend that you proactively notify your impacted customers that any existing templates will no longer be accessible once we rollout the ISO 20022 protocol on March 10, per regulatory requirement.

Up-to-date resources

You can view numerous ISO 20022 informational resources here:

Want to download and share these videos with your end users? Please do! Better still, reach out to to request a branded video.

Webinar: February 5

Perhaps most importantly, we will be hosting a dedicated ISO 20022 for Banno Business and NT Cash Management webinar on Feb 5, 2025! Attendance for this event is already nearing capacity, so it’s best to save your seat now!

Screenshot of the new 'Attach ACH batches to conversations' feature in action.
New feature • Banno Business • Banno Mobile & Online

Attach ACH batches to Conversations

Heads up Banno Business customers! Soon your users will have the option to attach ACH batches to conversations, providing an even better way to collaborate with one another as well as with your support staff. This opens the door to more streamlined and secure communication, as business users can share the relevant context needed to attain approvals, make edits, or get the help they need – without leaving the app.

When Mobile version 3.20 rolls out, business users will be able to attach and send ACH batches within Conversations. This functionality mirrors how other elements (such as transactions and accounts) are attached, so users will can use the feature from the ACH batch detail view or from within the conversation itself.

Once released, this feature will be available to all business users with permission to view ACH batches. No additional configuration or support ticket is required.

New feature • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Restricted ACH Batches for Bank Business Customers

Authorized Banno Business users – those who have been granted the Restricted Batch Access permission on the core – can now restrict sensitive ACH batches on Banno Online! Those business users can enable the Restricted field on a batch to prevent other business users from being able to view or act upon that batch. Batches can be restricted at creation, during a batch edit, and automatically during batch duplication.

Currently, the Restricted Batch Access permission can only be set in NetTeller® Back Office (in the ACH Controls section), but we have future plans to make this permission editable in Banno People™.

This feature is available to Banno Business banks on SilverLake and CIF 20/20. No additional contract or support ticket is required.

New feature • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Download Batch as Nacha or PDF

Banno Business users on SilverLake and CIF 20/20 can now download an existing batch! Two file formats are supported – PDF and Nacha. The PDF format allows sorting by a specific recipient field.

To download an existing batch, business users can simply select Download from the batch detail screen and then select their desired file format.

No additional contract or support ticket is required.

Coming soon • Partner integration

MyFinancialHealth in Banno: Informational Webinars

Embedded within Banno’s digital dashboard, MyFinancialHealth (powered by Array) enables consumers with free access to basic credit monitoring tools, identity and privacy protection features and subscription management capabilities.

Consumers can upgrade to premium features for enhanced control while generating non-interest income for your organization through a revenue-sharing program.

Learn more

Looking for more financial health tools for your consumers and new non-interest income opportunities? Sign up today for an upcoming webinar (hosted on four dates to accomodate your busy schedule) and get all your questions answered:

  • Thursday, February 13 at 12:00 p.m. CT
  • Tuesday, February 18 at 12:30 p.m. CT
  • Thursday, February 27 at 12:00 p.m. CT
  • Wednesday, March 5 at 2:30 p.m. CT

Finally, stay tuned for additional updates in future statements, so we can keep you well informed.

New feature • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Mark Batch as Pending Approval

Banno Business users on SilverLake and CIF 20/20 can now mark a business ACH batch as pending to accommodate dual control. While creating or editing a batch, the batch can be marked pending so that another member of the business can locate and initiate it. The batch will then have a pending status in the batch list and can be either initiated or returned to Ready for further edits.

This feature requires no additional contract or support ticket.

Screenshot of the newly available 'Create Filter Rule' feature for creating ACH exceptions in the Positive Pay widget.
New feature • Treasury Management™

Create Filter Rule for ACH Positive Pay Exception in Widget

You asked, we listened! Available on SilverLake, entitled users can now create ACH Positive Pay filter rules directly from the Positive Pay widget on the Treasury Management Dashboard! This quick-access feature will function the same way it does today when creating a filter from the ACH Exceptions list.

This enhancement was enabled for all Treasury Management banks on Friday, January 17.

Screenshot of the Information Reporting widget in the works for the Treasury Mobile Experience.
Coming soon • Treasury Management

Information Reporting widget in Treasury Mobile Experience

Your Treasury Management customers utilizing the Mobile Experience will soon have a new and easy way to view their reports!

Once released, users can log in while having their morning coffee to view Current and Prior Day reports and use the built-in filtering tools. They will also be able to create their own custom reports to view directly from the Mobile Experience Dashboard.

More information on this enhancement, which will be available to SilverLake banks, will be communicated soon via SLA and the For Clients portal.

Screenshot of the new Treasury Management Dashboard shortcut icon.
New feature • Treasury Management

Now Available! Dashboard shortcut for TM Mobile Experience

Navigating the Treasury Mobile Experience app just got easier! If a Treasury custoemr finds themself on a page that does not have the option to open the fly-out menu, they can simply tap the new Dashboard icon to return home and keep going about their business.

This is helpful for anyone who digs into a report or is deep in the transfer process but then needs to jump back to the Dashboard.

Coming soon • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Business alerts for banks

Support for business alerts is coming soon for Banno Business banks! This feature will allow business users to stay up-to-date on Positive Pay exceptions, wire transfers, ACH activity, and more. By staying updated, they'll be able to catch discrepancies early, ensure timely transactions, and maintain better control over their cash flow. Keep an eye on our statement for more information in the next few months.

Available for SilverLake and CIF 20/20. No additional contract or support ticket required.

Heads up • All Digital enviroments


Push notifications on Mobile

As addressed in previous Statements, the release of Banno Mobile version 3.19 marked a key change in how we deliver push notifications. Users on previous versions of Banno Mobile can no longer receive push notifications, so it is critical that your support staff direct users to update to our latest version.

View employee data permission

You'll remember from the update in the December Statement that we had to push back the View employee data permission roll out to early 2025. As soon as the feature is complete, we will release it for you as well as announce its availability.

2FA Code Delivery through ENS

Remember that, as a part of the upcoming migration to Jack Henry's Enterprise Notification System (ENS), for delivering 2FA codes via SMS, we will no longer support new Authy 2FA enrollments — starting January 31, 2025. For a more-comprehensive understanding of the migration to ENS, please review this extensive FAQ document.

Upcoming events

Save your seat now for these upcoming events:

Heads up • Digital Toolkit

Toolkit Corner: Designing and Developing Plugins video

Accountholders expect the Dashboard to provide quick, summary information at a glance while also allowing the user to drill into more details and functionality when necessary.

Our Developer Relations team has published a new video, Building Great Plugins with the Digital Toolkit, to help you understand how to build a plugin that works and feels great.

Screenshot of Enhanced Default 2FA methods in Banno People.
New feature • Banno Online, Mobile, & Admin

Enhanced Default 2FA Methods

Jack Henry is pleased to announce Enahanced Default 2FA – new functionality that gives all of our financial institutions the power to configure which level of security to enforce for end users' two-factor authentication (2FA) methods. Default 2FA also offers customization based on user type (retail vs. business), as described in more detail in our 2-step verification Knowledge Base doc.

Primary benefits

Why did we make this change? In a word... Security. Security. Security.

Here are a few big benefits the Enhanced Default 2FA feature provides:

  • Simplifies security management
  • Improves security for high-risk actions
  • Provides greater user and FI protection, while cutting down on individual back office configurations

As a critical part of these improved security measures, we will activate all 2FA methods for your financial institution with this release. We encourage you to begin testing FIDO keys as soon as possible.

Key takeaways

As you've likely learned during recent Digital Banking Meetups and the Special-Edition Digital Security Meetup (last Friday), there is a lot to know about this change. Below are the key takeaways to remember.

Navigation changes

With the introduction of this feature, we’re moving security settings to the primary navigation menu in People. So, rather than accessing security settings via the Settings dropdown menu, your authorized personnel can simply expand the Security dropdown to access three new screens – 2-step verification, High risk (to configure high risk actions and blocking), and Initial Enrollment.

Editable security settings

Your admins (with the Manage security settings permission) will also have the option to manage these 2FA settings in the new Identity App, which will be the long-term location for all security related settings. For more info, see the "Identity App — Unified Identity Service (UIS)" article directly below.

Authorized admins can manage security level requirements for your institution (i.e., Identity default), Banno product (i.e., user type defaults) and end-user overrides in both People and the Identity App (for now).

High-risk authentication can now be configured to use either a password or existing 2-step verification methods.

Affected users

The new Default 2FA Methods will affect both personal users (often called retail) and business users, as well as your employees who are authorized to edit the 2FA settings. These admins can set different 2FA methods for personal users and business users based on your preferred security level (Standard, Enhanced, High) for each user type.

End users who are currently enrolled in (soon-to-be) unsupported 2FA methods will need to re-enroll in 2FA and select supported 2FA methods.

Note: These changes do not affect Treasury Management.

Feature requirements

No additional contract or support ticket is necessary; however, this functionality requires Banno Mobile version 3.19 or later.

Important: Users on previous versions of our mobile app may encounter errors during high-risk actions, account recovery, and enrollment.

Release timing

On January 31, 2025, we will begin enabling Default 2FA for all financial institutions.

To learn even more about these changes, please review this Security documentation on the Knowledge Base!

New feature • Banno Admin

Identity App — Unified Identity Service (UIS)

We are thrilled to announce the new Identity App, which will handle all of the security settings related to an end-user’s identity. This includes profile data, two-factor authentication (2FA), passkeys, password resets, and device management — all of which were previously managed in Banno People.

Out of the gates, your employees with the Manage security settings permission will be able to view and edit certain user security settings in either People or the Identity App.

On January 31, 2025, we will begin rolling out the Identity App within Banno Admin for all financial institutions. No additional contract or support ticket is required.

Learn more about these changes on our Knowledge Base!

Quick note about future follow-up changes: Once we're ready to begin migrating related security settings to their "forever home" in the Identity App, your admins will see a blue banner in People, calling out the pending changes. We will, of course, also provide advanced notice in an upcoming statement as well.

Screenshot of the 'View electronic documents permission'.
New feature • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Electronic Document permissions for Banno Business

Effective January 29, 2025, business organization admins will see a change in how and where they can manage the permissions for electronic documents.

Previously, business users could access electronic documents when the ability was enabled on behalf of your financial institution. Moving forward, your personnel won't need to open NetTeller Back Office to enable the corresponding permissions. Instead, authorized admins for each business organization can enable the View all documents permission for each account right there in Banno Online!

Upon release, we will automatically enable the new View all documents permission for all previously existing business users (if the old institution-level ability was already enabled for your bank). It's important to note, however, that as new business users are added, an organization admin must explicitly enable that permission, as wanted, on each account.

Note that this enhancement does not apply to the ESI SSO. No support case is needed for this change; authorized admins for your business organizations will see this new permission by default.

Coming soon • Banno Online & Mobile

Jack Henry Rapid Transfers™

Big things are coming in 2025! We’re making swift progress on Jack Henry Rapid Transfers, an upcoming feature that will make moving money faster and easier than ever. Powered by our partnership with Moov, Jack Henry Rapid Transfers will let end users send near-instant transfers with a few taps.

Here are just a handful of ways that your accountholders can use Jack Henry Rapid Transfers:

  • Move money between personal accounts at different banks without delays.
  • Transfer funds from prepaid cards or digital wallets to bank accounts for easier cash access.
  • Consolidate small balances from multiple accounts into one for streamlined management.
  • Handle emergencies with ease – instantly access funds for unexpected expenses, travel, or urgent payments.

For more details on Jack Henry Rapid Transfers, see our Partner integrations and external applications article on the Knowledge Base, and expand the Moov section.

Finally, if you’re as excited about this amazingly powerful new feature as we are, you can use the "How do I get started?" instructions (within the expanded Moov section) to get started with onboarding, while we continue building the Jack Henry Rapid Transfers functionality!

New feature • Banno Mobile

Enhanced Mobile Traffic Tracking in NuDetect

We're excited to announce that NuDetect now tracks when your mobile users authenticate using their PIN, FaceID, or TouchID. This enhanced visibility gives you a more complete understanding of your mobile banking traffic, so you can do the following:

  • Better identify suspicious activity
  • Make more informed decisions about fraud prevention
  • Gain deeper insights into end user behavior

Important Considerations

Due to the potential increase in tracked mobile sessions, this feature could impact your overall session volume and related billing.

You have complete control of the feature:

  • This feature is turned OFF by default, and no support case needed to change the setting.
  • You can easily enable it within your existing NuDetect settings in Banno People.
  • If you notice a significant increase in sessions and wish to adjust, you can simply disable the feature.

We're committed to providing the insights and the control you need to protect your financial institution and your end users, and we believe this new capability will be a valuable tool in your fight against fraud. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact us.

Coming soon • Banno Platform™

Digital Terms of Use for Business

We’ve got something exciting for our business customers! Starting in March, you’ll be able to add your business-specific Digital Terms of Use directly within Banno People. In turn, your business users can then view and accept those terms in Android, iOS, and Online.

This update means clearer terms, smoother onboarding, and a more personalized experience for your business users – all while keeping things simple and efficient for you.

It’s just one more way we’re making it easier to do business your way. Mark your calendars, folks: March is right around the corner!

Coming soon • Banno Mobile & Online

Anchor device verification

If you’ve been tuning into our monthly and security meetups, you know we continue to improve on the high risk action blocking feature set, and coming soon is the ability for your account holders to unblock themselves with a known anchor device. Given a device qualifies as an anchor device, users will be able to use it to unblock a new device they’re using, thereby removing the need for your support staff to verify users on the phone and unblock devices.

When it rolls out, this functionality will appear as a new option in the High risk action blocking area of Banno People > Security and Banno Identity > Settings. Therefore, it won’t affect your users until you’re ready to flip the switch.

Watch for an article in the February Statement with updates on when you can access the anchor device verification feature, which will be available to all finanical institutions and requires no additional contract or support ticket.

Follow up • Banno Platform

Extending Scope Deadline: Correction

We need to correct the date we published in last month's Statement. We have indeed extended the deadline regarding the changes to API scope management; however, last month we stated that the changes would occur on January 21, 2025. The correct date for this extension is a month later: Starting on February 21, 2025, all new external applications will require defined scopes to enhance security and user privacy.

Thankfully, our mistake does not negatively impact end users.

Key takeaways

Here are the key takeaways you need to know:

  • New applications: Any consumer application added after February 21 must have defined scopes.
  • Existing applications: Existing applications are legacied and can therefore continue using all scopes. However, if you edit a legacied application after February 21, you must define its required scopes.

We understand that changes like these require time and adjustment, and we appreciate your patience and cooperation as we work to improve security for everyone.

Coming soon • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Positive Pay Exception Corrections

A handy new feature is coming to Banno Business banks on SilverLake and CIF 20/20 very soon! Business users who come across an exception with a discrepancy on Banno Online will be able to request corrections from your institution without leaving the app. When a business user decides a correction is in order, they'll have the option to attach that request to a conversation with your support team. This will improve clarity and create an audit trail.

This feature is currently undergoing acceptance testing and will be released in Banno Online once testing is complete. Stay tuned, though, as we will be adding the feature to Banno Mobile soon, too.

Coming soon • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Online

Positive Pay: Pay or Return All Exceptions

Banno Business banks on SilverLake and CIF 20/20 have yet another new feature on the way! Soon, your business users can bulk-select Pay or Return all exceptions within Positive Pay. Not only will the feature let your business users save time; it will also empower them to reduce risk. Rather than manually checking each exception, they'll be able to quickly approve the majority and focus their energy on the items that they think are more problematic.

We're finalizing this functionality and will release it in Banno Online as soon as it's ready. Next up? Business users will be able to make this and other batch decisions on Banno Mobile soon.

Coming soon • Banno Business for Banks • Banno Mobile

Recurring Wires in Banno Mobile

Attention Banno Business customers on SilverLake! We're excited to announce that the ability to create and manage recurring wire transfers is coming soon to the Banno Mobile app. Stay tuned to the Statement for more details on this feature, which will be available to SilverLake banks only.

Heads up • Knowledge Base & Help Center

Documentation updates

Always remember to check out our latest documentation on the Knowledge Base:

Important reminder: Visit Help Center for how-to guides on all Jack Henry products.

If you have questions about anything you have read here, please contact Support.

Release notes are posted in the For Clients portal in advance of mobile releases and contain a rollup of all client-side changes made to Banno within the period.




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