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January 2023

Treasury joins the Statement • 2FA improvement for employees • minor ESI enhancement • Geezeo and Direct Connect updates • Plus more

Can you believe it’s 2023?! A very Happy New Year to you and yours. We hope your holiday season was filled with lots of rest and relaxation, and hopefully no lost luggage. We’re excited to hit the ground running and know that 2023 is sure to be an exciting one with all of the features we have coming your way!

Heads up • Banno Platform

Partial enrollment for ESI documents

Calling all Banno customers with ESI – we have made a small modification on how things will work for partially enrolled users. Prior to this update, if an account was enrolled in only some document types, our integration would consider the account not enrolled and prompt the user to enroll in that account.

With this slight enhancement, users who are partially enrolled will be able to view documents so they’re no longer prompted to enroll again. And the even better news? No updates are needed on your end, as this change is already in effect as of the first week of January 2023.

Image of the Treasury Management dashboard.
Heads up • Treasury Platform

New to the Statement in 2023

We’re excited to share that we will now be including all Jack Henry Treasury Management updates in our Digital Statement moving forward. As you know, Treasury is a part of Digital, and much like they've become an integral part of our Digital Banking Meetups, it only makes sense to provide their month-to-month updates as an essential part of the Statement too.

Keep your eyes peeled for exciting things in 2023, as the team continues building on the momentum and tremendous growth our Treasury banks experienced this past year: nearly 25% organic growth in onboarded companies, 65% growth in wire payments, and almost 75% growth for ACH!

To help you continue winning business, this year we're working with our partners in Marketing to offer free materials through the Jack Henry Resource Center. Look for more information this spring!

Feature enhancement • Banno Admin

2FA support for employees with international phone numbers

You may recall from the latest Banno release notes that now Banno People™, Banno Support™, Banno Content™, and Banno Marketing™ all support two-step verification for institution employees with international phone numbers.

We cooked up a brief instructional message you can share with your teams, as your employees may otherwise never notice the subtle on-screen changes to the enhanced 2FA enrollment workflow:

Attention non-U.S. residents and world travelers! Now you can use any international phone number to enroll in 2FA for Banno Admin:

Just select Authy on the Choose your verification method screen. Then, enter your country code in the Country field on the Let’s set up your phone screen. From there, continue the 2FA enrollment flow as instructed on screen."

To learn more about password requirements and 2FA options for Banno Admin, check out our Admin platform authentication guide.

Heads up • Banno Platform

Temporary issue for 2FA short code recipients in Singapore

We need to let you know that starting on January 31, 2023, a small fraction of users will temporarily see a confusing note included with the 2-step verification codes Banno sends via our SMS short code number. When sent to Singapore-based mobile phone numbers, these messages will indicate that the communication is "spam likely."

This change stems from precautions that the Full SMS SenderID Registry (SSIR) Regime will begin enforcing at the end of the month. Singapore's regulatory agency, the Infocomm Media Development Company (IMDC), introduced the SSIR as part of their ongoing approach to protect consumers from fraudulent and malicious SMS.

Banno is working to register our 53286 short code number with the IMDC as quickly as possible. Once the IMDC has validated our short code number, approved our registration, and removed the spam warning from our login code messages, we will share the news in a follow-up statement.

Heads Up • Banno Platform™ reminders


Here are a few reminders to keep in mind:

February Meetup

Snag your seat today for our quarterly Digital Banking Meetup on Friday, February 10 starting at 11 a.m. CT. We’ll review our roadmap, demo any upcoming features, and discuss the latest updates on our Digital Banking Platform.

Permissions segments

As you might have guessed, due to holiday scheduling madness, beta testing slowed to a crawl at the end of the year. We're working with our beta institutions to finish testing, and we will release the Permissions segments feature ASAP.

Banno Mobile 3.0

Keep an eye on the app stores in early February, when our next major Mobile version is slated to drop.

Video Chat for Banno Conversations™

Interested in offering the powerful new video chat feature for Conversations that we discussed last month? For details, reach out to!

Diagram of an Access Token.
Heads up • Banno Digital Toolkit™

Toolkit Corner: "Tokens" and how to use them

Access Token... Identity Token... Refresh Token.

Our Authentication Framework supports so many types of tokens! It’s enough to make your head spin.

But don’t worry, we’ve created diagrams and used some real world analogies to help explain these critical concepts from the OAuth and OpenID Connect technology standards.

Banno Business™ updates • Banno Admin & Banno Online™

User management updates for beta customers

We’re kicking off 2023 with a bang for our Banno Business™ beta customers. We’re working through some exciting features for banks and credit unions—yes, credit unions!—that we can’t wait to get into beta testers' hands.

Available in Banno Online: Create & invite new users

Creating and inviting new users to an organization just got easier! Organization administrators no longer need to flip between NetTeller and Banno when looking to add a new user to the organization. Now they can add users directly from Banno. Better still, if someone does create a user in NetTeller, that user will automatically be created within Banno as well. That means, no need for manual intervention!

Coming soon in Banno People: Create new organizations & users

Coming soon to a Banno credit union near you! Our Banno Business beta credit unions are going to start receiving some of their first features. Our first feature drop for organizations and organization users will give credit union employees the ability to create new organizations and users from within People. Once set up, an organization admin can also create users in Banno Online.

More features will be following soon, so stay tuned!

Heads up • Banno Platform

Direct Connect update

The Direct Connect feature is still coming your way—we’ve just hit some slight delays along the path. As a reminder, this security enhancement also involves the following changes:

  • Activity Event: We will be adding a history event so you can see when accountholders have approved a connection.
  • Improving our Direct Connect screens: The current Security and Direct Connect applications screens could be a bit more robust, so we’re updating the user-interface copy to provide more information—for both institution employees and your end users.

We anticipate enabling Direct Connect during February or March; however, since it has proven difficult to predict timing for the feature, we’re asking you to bear with us a bit longer before we provide a target date for the additions described above. Once the launch date comes into focus, we'll share it in the Digital Statement.

Image of the Geezeo Transactions enrichment screen design.
Coming Soon • Banno People™, Banno Online™, & Banno Mobile™

Geezeo® happenings

Last month, we asked you to hold tight for details on the Transaction Enrichments rollout. By now you should have received a Service Level Announcement (SLA) from our team updating you on the status of Transaction Enrichments and the spending wheel for both non-Geezeo and Geezeo customers. Please pay special attention to the key information that announcement includes about next steps.

To learn more about Geezeo's enrichment feature and how it affects transactions, please see our new article on the Knowledge Base.

Heads up • Banno Digital Platform™ Knowledge Base

Documentation updates

Our documentation updates in recent weeks include a number of articles you'll want to review:

  • Support: See the new FAQ item regarding Service Level Announcements (SLA).
  • Banno Business user management: A full round of new updates to our user management docs bring a wealth of new information.
  • Product collateral: We've updated a host of new documents on the product collateral page, which you can check out based on the "last updated" field.
  • App deployment: New updates to app deployment include details on holidays, code freezes, and renewal emails.
  • High-risk actions: Additions to our high-risk actions documentation outline how long a user stays high-risk authenticated.
  • Mobile device logs: New details on mobile device logs help to outline specific app crashes.

If you have questions about anything you have read here, please contact Support.

Release notes are posted in the For Clients portal in advance of mobile releases and contain a rollup of all client-side changes made to Banno within the period.



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