Banno Business™ updates • Banno Admin & Banno Online™
User management updates for beta customers
We’re kicking off 2023 with a bang for our Banno Business™ beta customers. We’re working through some exciting features for banks and credit unions—yes, credit unions!—that we can’t wait to get into beta testers' hands.
Available in Banno Online: Create & invite new users
Creating and inviting new users to an organization just got easier! Organization administrators no longer need to flip between NetTeller and Banno when looking to add a new user to the organization. Now they can add users directly from Banno. Better still, if someone does create a user in NetTeller, that user will automatically be created within Banno as well. That means, no need for manual intervention!
Coming soon in Banno People: Create new organizations & users
Coming soon to a Banno credit union near you! Our Banno Business beta credit unions are going to start receiving some of their first features. Our first feature drop for organizations and organization users will give credit union employees the ability to create new organizations and users from within People. Once set up, an organization admin can also create users in Banno Online.
More features will be following soon, so stay tuned!